We hope you’ll be delighted to see that we aren’t all rock stars or ninjas.
Instead, you’ll find a bunch of talented, hard-working creatives who can make you and your message look outstanding. Don’t believe us? Check out our work.

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Stuff you might want to know
Where are we based?
It’s one of the first questions we get asked. We’re based everywhere. You can find Stun folks in New Zealand, Canada, and the US. We like not having an office because we hate the commute, and we love having exactly the right type of work snacks. It also means you have people who understand audiences in various markets.
How long have we been going?
We’ve been helping people like you look amazing since 1996. That’s quite a long time. During that time, we’ve launched campaigns, designed beautiful looking designs, crafted winning pitches and created several apps, spun off at least one business, changed our name once and through it all, there’s been Adam.
How big is your team?
Not big. We don’t throw huge waves of expensive drones at a problem. Instead, we get our small team of multi-talented pros to nut something out for you. Most of the time, we don’t even need to use all of them.

Meet the team
We don’t do wacky bios at Stun, and you’re probably not interested in whether we kite surf or not (we don’t). So we’ll introduce the team with some of their work (which is always the best way to judge us). Here’s the current crop.
Adam Blackwell
Founder, CEO and US Business Development
Adam lead our project to promote the 2022 Greytown Festival of Christmas. Our simple and low cost promotional video struck all of the right emotional notes and got our audience excited enough to travel and experience the magic. And we helped prop up a small town suffering from a Covid downturn. Bringing 50,000 people to a country town in the middle of winter to stay outside and look at Christmas lights? Quite a feat.
Peter Blackwell
Project Production Manager
Our large US client ampm gives us plenty of big projects to deliver. That’s where Pete comes in. When they wanted us to do a deep dive into how the loyalty app we designed for them stacked up against its competitors, we could rely on Pete’s incredible eye for detail.
Kevin Spiro
Digital Production Manager
Kevin has helped one of our US clients level up their wildly successful mobile game to a complete loyalty platform. He’s pushing the boundaries of loyalty through understanding human behaviour. Knowing what makes people tick allows Kevin to create a loyalty app that goes beyond buying customer loyalty.
Grant Williams
Video and Animation Design Director
We get asked to make videos about a lot of subjects. And when we have to make those subjects easy to understand and engaging to look at we call on Grant. Grant has made videos that help sell everything from archiving software to the quaint little New Zealand village of Greytown. So when we asked him to make medical waste seem approachable he was more than up to the challenge!
Ryan Molan
Web and Graphic Designer
Over the last few years, Ryan has been creating more and more websites for our clients. He’s also become a master at bending Shopify to his will to make sites that are not only great to look at but also make money. His latest effort for the Greytown Distilling Company is a fine example.
See Ryan’s work on the Greytown Distilling company website (and maybe order a gin or two)